Harvey Home Modifications is a one-stop-shop for residential accessibility. We will install a single grab bar, build a wheelchair accessible home from scratch, and everything inbetween. Every project, regardless of size, receives the attention our customers deserve. Some of our most common work includes...
Complete Home Renovations
We are responsible for multiple "full-gut" renovations and new construction home-building projects, including development of AAB and ADA specified wheelchair accessible group homes. We work with downsizing seniors, families with disabled children or parents, and non-profit organizations to build uniquely serviceable homes.
In-Law Suites & Additions
Many adult children find it convenient to move their parent(s) in. This can save on caregiving costs, split mortgage and utility payments, and bring families closer together. We can work with you to convert existing spaces, or create additions, that will address the situation you're in. We can do this while addressing any mobility concerns AND while adding value to your home.
Aging-in-Place Remodeling
The vast majority of us do not want to move, especially when considering moving to a facility or continuing care type of setting. Although a continuing care facility may be the best option for some, often times we can retrofit homes and allow owner's to "age-in-place."
Turn-key Accessible Homes
Not everyone is in the financial position to float two mortgages during the downsizing process, let alone pay for renovations of your next home before moving in. Our company purchases homes and renovates using "Universal Design Techniques" (completely accessible but looks great!) with the intention of reselling to a downsizer.
Take a look through our work: